It's official! I am officially a college graduate. It's really amazing. I was looking forward to finishing, but the sense of accomplishment that I felt walking across the stage was incredible. I have worked so hard for this. High school was a very difficult time for me, and I barely graduated. For a few years, I worked unfulfilling jobs and really had no purpose. When I made up my mind to go to college, though, it was for me, and I was determined to do my best. I said no to a lot of parties, I forewent nights out to study, and there is a chair in the library that perfectly conforms to my butt from the hours I've spent sitting in it.
Forgive me, then, if I take the moment to revel in my accomplishments. On Friday, there was an award ceremony where I received an award and a complimentary membership to a professional organization in my field. On Sunday, I graduated summa cum laude with a perfect 4.0 cumulative GPA. I was also given an award for the highest scholastic achievement in my school (there are five schools that comprise my university). I was also awarded a research assistantship position and in exchange for 20 hours of research a week, I get complete tuition remission and a stipend.

At the award ceremony with my parents
And I am so excited for grad school. I think before it felt like just a continuation of school, but graduation really helped to frame my undergrad. I'm excited to start with a fresh slate and I'm excited to get into new research and I'm really motivated to work.
Before that, though, I have the whole lovely summer ahead of me. I'll still be working, but my schedule is flexible and I'll have three whole days off, two of which coincide with Madeline's days off. I'll be running, going to park, hiking, painting the apartment, cleaning out all the clutter we've accumulated, and just basically taking time to relax.
I'll be honest, this has not been the raw-est weekend... there may have been some tequila along the way. But I've been reading 80/10/10 and mono-mealing bananas today, and I feel really good about going further with my diet. I'm feeling the raw love again.
Congratulations! Graduating with your Bachelor's is a huge deal, and I hope the new opportunities on your horizon bring you tons of happiness and money. :)
Tequila isn't raw? ;)
Thank you so much, Jeremy!
See, part of the reason for going to grad school immediately is cause I'm used to living from paycheck to paycheck. I imagine it would be difficult to go back after working for a while.
And tequila might not be raw... but it sure made for a memorable weekend!
Congratulations!!! You have a lot to be proud of! Also, I LOVE your dress in the last photo.
Thank you, Becki! And I was really happy about the dress, too. I found it on sale Thursday night, wore it Friday to the award thing and again on Sunday under my robes. :)
Congrats!!!!! So happy for you!
Thanks, Donia!
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