Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 33: Books

I'm a reader. I love books, and I always have. I was the kid who got in trouble for reading under the covers with a flashlight half the night. Once, when I was around 7, I did something particularly atrocious (that I can no longer recall) and my punishment was to have my weekly library books taken away. All 13 of them.

In an effort to spiffy things up around here, I found this really cool widget: the Shelfari. I read a lot, so I'm not probably not going to list everything, mostly the books that I heartily endorse. Some will be raw, but others will just be for the pleasure of reading.

Fair warning: I'm in a bit of a Barbra Kingsolver glut at the moment. She's increasingly one of my favorite authors, and I just received four or five books of hers that I have yet to read from Paperback Swap (another really great site if you're a reader). So there might be an overabundance of her books on the shelf, but I'll try to limit myself to my favorites.

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