In the time before raw (BW, as it were), Madeline and I were junk food vegans. Discovering that Sweet Chili Doritos were vegan was cause for celebration. We would proffer up Oreos to any skeptical omnivore who wanted to know what we could possibly eat. We were not vegetable eaters. We rarely even kept fruit in the house. Tofu was made to be fried. And whenever we found ourselves in a social situation when the only vegan fare was salad, we'd sigh and roll our eyes at the 'rabbit food.'
All that, of course, has changed, and it happened fast for us. We were tired, gaining weight, unhappy with our bodies, but with little motivation or energy to make changes. We discussed going on a diet, but the prospect seemed bleak. Then Madeline came across a sample meal plan from David Wolfe's Sunfood Success Diet, and we were hooked. That night, we decided to go raw. We gave ourselves 1 month to prepare and research, and then we just jumped right in.
It was a rocky transition at first, going from pretty much 0% to 99% overnight. But I have no regrets and there's no turning back. In two short months, I am happier, healthier and more energetic. Which is not to say that being raw is a cure all. I still get frustrated by daily tribulations and overwhelmed by my coursework. I'm still tired at the end of a 18 hour day on 4 hours of sleep. I still rummage through a full fridge on occasion, exacerbated that there's nothing to eat. Being raw has not made me a shiny, happy person, and it's not a spiritual pursuit. But I feel better about myself and better nutrition gives me a better grounding to handle what comes my way. I do think I'm better for it.
So powered vegetables and fruit with a metric ton of greens and a few nuts and seeds leads me to believe that rabbit food is not all that bad. And maybe, perhaps, we are rabbits. Mr. Bingley, the English Angora who kindly shares his living space with us, is not so sure, but he certainly enjoys partaking in mealtime these days.

Oh my! I just had to stop to say, he is the most adorable fluff ball evah!
Haha, I know, right? He's a very handsome little boy, and I suspect he is well aware of this fact.
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