Sunday, March 22, 2009

Day 50

Elegant coffee table dining...

Fifty days seems like a rather auspicious milestone. The picture is actually one mentioned in an earlier post: zucchini pasta with puttanesca sauce and sunflower parmesan. I think it may be my favorite thing that I've made so far. Although Indian coleslaw and walnut pate are certainly up there... It's an enjoyable dilemma.

I was only half kidding in my postscript yesterday. The carpets and the couches got a thorough vacuuming, though the walls and cats were spared (but only for lack of time). I do dearly love my parents, but we rarely see eye to eye. I think we're both bewildered at times how their staunchly Catholic, meat-and-potatoes Republicanism produced queer liberal me.

Tomorrow is my last day of spring break, which I think is making me a little sad. Despite working extra hours, I got so much done. I had plenty of time to un-cook and took numerous hikes. I'll be glad when the semester's over (and I graduate!). It was a difficult decision for me not to apply for a resume-building internship before grad school, but the flexible schedule that I'll have will be amazing. I think it's hard sometimes to rein in my over-achieving nature to focus on what's really important to me, but I'm really looking forward to taking that opportunity.

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