Our dehydrator arrived, and it's been humming away from within an hour of taking it out of the box. We had to rearrange the kitchen a bit because the cord is so short. Not a big deal, really; the sprouting station moved onto the desk and the dehydrator took its place. Since the sprouts are close to the window, though, I'm actually going to try covering them with a towel to keep them out of the light. We'll see how this goes, because the cats seem to think it's a surprise for them and keep sticking their heads under to peek. Like the rubber drain stopper and my dishwashing gloves, it's very possible that I might wake up one morning to find the towel in the hall or at the foot of our bed.
In addition to my new batch of soaking sprout seeds (2 jars of clover and red wheat this time) is my jar of chia gel in the forefront. More on that later.
So the dehydrator! It's a refurbished Excalibur 3900, and as far as I can tell, its defect is an unglued temperature control knob. It works fine, though, and my instant-read thermometer tells me that all is as it should be. Last night, I put it a double batch of corn chips that are finishing up that will be dinner with salsa and coconut chutney tonight. I also sliced up a bunch of banana to make a tray of banana chips. We'll see how many actually make it to the chip stage, though, as every time Madeline and I have a reason to walk by, we slip another one or two slice out to eat. They're leathery and chewy and taste like banana candy. SO GOOD.

This morning, it was my intention to make kale chips with my assistant chef, Naomi*. We had two big bunches of purple and white kale in the fridge that I deveined, cut into 2" pieces, gave them a good wash and thoroughly massaged them with some olive oil, lemon juice, sea salt, garlic powder, nutritional yeast and cayenne. Then I tried a bite. It was so incredibly delicious and un-kaley that I ran down the hall to make Madeline try a bite.
See, earlier in the week, Mad had been seduced by the purple leaves and pulled the bag of kale out of the fridge to try some. This resulted in a face and the proclamation that it was unfit to eat. Fair enough. I love kale in my smoothies, so more for me. When she tried the seasoned kale I made today, though, she asked if it was lunch. I hadn't actually considered lunch and our fridge is pretty bare at the moment, so as it turned out, I made a kale salad instead of kale chips.
I am now even more in love with kale than I was before, and our shopping list for tomorrow says KALE x 100!!!. I need to look into the effect of oxalates on a healthy person more because if I let myself, I could eat it during every meal. It seems silly to limit myself from eating such a nutrition packed green because of the possibility that it might be too much of a good thing.
Another thing that I picked up this week were chia seeds. There are a lot of "superfoods" out there, and I have to say that I pass over most of them. They're often over-hyped and definitely over-priced. But after wading through a ton of reviews, I decided to give them a try. They're very high in fiber, low in calories, a complete protein and can be digested whole (unlike flax). One of the things that I've noticed eating raw is that I'm frequently hungry very shortly after eating, so I'm hoping that adding these to my diet will help me to feel fuller for longer. So far, I've mixed them into my banana ice cream, sprinkled some into granola and blended them into my morning smoothies. In the first picture, I was making chia gel, a ratio of 1/3 c chia to 2 c water. It makes a thick slime, although it's pretty much tasteless and it's supposed to be easier to add it to liquidy or creamy recipes this way. I bought them at Whole Foods, since I could return them if they were gross (they're not), but you can also find them for a good price at The Raw Food World. I am itching to place an order from that website!
In addition to my new batch of soaking sprout seeds (2 jars of clover and red wheat this time) is my jar of chia gel in the forefront. More on that later.
So the dehydrator! It's a refurbished Excalibur 3900, and as far as I can tell, its defect is an unglued temperature control knob. It works fine, though, and my instant-read thermometer tells me that all is as it should be. Last night, I put it a double batch of corn chips that are finishing up that will be dinner with salsa and coconut chutney tonight. I also sliced up a bunch of banana to make a tray of banana chips. We'll see how many actually make it to the chip stage, though, as every time Madeline and I have a reason to walk by, we slip another one or two slice out to eat. They're leathery and chewy and taste like banana candy. SO GOOD.

This morning, it was my intention to make kale chips with my assistant chef, Naomi*. We had two big bunches of purple and white kale in the fridge that I deveined, cut into 2" pieces, gave them a good wash and thoroughly massaged them with some olive oil, lemon juice, sea salt, garlic powder, nutritional yeast and cayenne. Then I tried a bite. It was so incredibly delicious and un-kaley that I ran down the hall to make Madeline try a bite.
See, earlier in the week, Mad had been seduced by the purple leaves and pulled the bag of kale out of the fridge to try some. This resulted in a face and the proclamation that it was unfit to eat. Fair enough. I love kale in my smoothies, so more for me. When she tried the seasoned kale I made today, though, she asked if it was lunch. I hadn't actually considered lunch and our fridge is pretty bare at the moment, so as it turned out, I made a kale salad instead of kale chips.
I am now even more in love with kale than I was before, and our shopping list for tomorrow says KALE x 100!!!. I need to look into the effect of oxalates on a healthy person more because if I let myself, I could eat it during every meal. It seems silly to limit myself from eating such a nutrition packed green because of the possibility that it might be too much of a good thing.
Another thing that I picked up this week were chia seeds. There are a lot of "superfoods" out there, and I have to say that I pass over most of them. They're often over-hyped and definitely over-priced. But after wading through a ton of reviews, I decided to give them a try. They're very high in fiber, low in calories, a complete protein and can be digested whole (unlike flax). One of the things that I've noticed eating raw is that I'm frequently hungry very shortly after eating, so I'm hoping that adding these to my diet will help me to feel fuller for longer. So far, I've mixed them into my banana ice cream, sprinkled some into granola and blended them into my morning smoothies. In the first picture, I was making chia gel, a ratio of 1/3 c chia to 2 c water. It makes a thick slime, although it's pretty much tasteless and it's supposed to be easier to add it to liquidy or creamy recipes this way. I bought them at Whole Foods, since I could return them if they were gross (they're not), but you can also find them for a good price at The Raw Food World. I am itching to place an order from that website!
*I know that some people may find it repulsive that I let my cats hang out near food preparation, but it's the sunniest window in the evening and I couldn't stop them even if I wanted to. Plus, those without cats may not realize just how clean they are. They shed very little on a good diet (ours eat Halo) and although their breath always smells fishy, they have reserve shampoo spit which is used exclusively for grooming. It makes them smell like they've been drycleaned. Tru fax.
I've gotten addicted to following your blog. And after your post script about the cats, I had to comment. We have two of our own, Roosevelt and Guinness, and despite providing them with furniture of their own, like to hang out on the table. Suffice it to say, we continue to try and train them off of it and we continue to clean the kitchen table a LOT. Just had to say something on the "couldn't stop them" comment, because our cats are the same way.
Hey Jeremy! I'm always excited to see someone stop by! :)
I've pretty much given up on buying the cats anything bigger than toys, because that's the only thing they'll touch. They are pretty good about not walking on the the counters (I was always afraid that they'd walk on the stove, so we reinforced that one a lot), but that's their window I've co-opted. I've accepted that it's a lost cause. Cats are so freakin opinionated.
What have you done with the other sprouts that you sprouted? I have read that dehydrating them makes a good snack.
I have a cheapo dehydrator with a temp dial that keeps a pretty accurate temp. I'm curious how your refurbished one does. That will be one of my future splurges, the excalibur.
Keep up the great journey/journal. I stalked you here from LJ's vegancooking. =)
Hi Lapetitmort!
We ate the other sprouts! I threw a dressing on the lentils for a quick dinner one night (which was eh... I'll try something different next time we sprout those) and I put half of the clover into a smoothie, which I liked a lot. Mad ate the other half in some manner, probably a salad. I see a lot more sprouting in my future.
I'll keep you updated on the dehydrator. So far, it seems like it was a good deal, especially with the 10 year factory warranty that was included.
Always a pleasure to be stalked,
Thank you for posting the brand and model of the dehydrator you purchased. As a result of poking around on the net to see what you purchased, I found a site that sells heavy metal detox products that I may look into using on Reiss while we are waiting to get into to see the DAN! doctor.
Being raw, and vegan prior to that, you have probably heard of the site, but just in case you haven't, the site I found is www.aliveandaware.net
Hey Autismom!
I'm glad that it led you to something that may be beneficial for Reiss. :) I hadn't heard of the site, but I'll have to go check it out.
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