Saturday, April 18, 2009

Day 77

At work today, we had a sidewalk sale, so I got to spend some time sitting in the sun (after being sufficiently sunblocked, of course). I was only out for about two hours in the late afternoon, and even then I tried to stay in the shade, because I burn quicker than toast. There was only a little shade, though, so as a result, one of my shoulders is a constellation of freckles and the other has only a few stragglers from last year. Heh.

I don't have a picture today. Not even a recycled one. My excuse is that my face hurts (sinuses), but really I just don't feel like taking some or hunting for one. I did feel like posting, though, so I decided that that shouldn't stop me.

The food of the week seems to be bananas. They're always a staple, but these past couple days, I'm really digging them. I just finished another banana shake, which I'm currently obsessed with. I told Mad I had to make one for her tonight, but she probably won't be home until almost 10. At that point, it's dinner and bed. I am very glad that she's happy with her job, but I am missing spending time together. I'll be happy when my schedule frees up for the summer so we can spend her mid-week days off together.

It's interesting to see the way our diets are evolving as we get further into this raw thing. I used to make fairly complex salads that I'd bring for lunch along with plenty of snacks: granola, some fruit, carrot sticks, etc, to get me through the day. Now, though, partially out of convenience, but mostly because I like it, I double my morning smoothie and split it into two quart sized mason jars. I drink one on the way to school and one later on when I get hungry. Other than that, I eat fruit until I get home at night and have dinner. I never would have thought that fruit would keep me going, but 3 bananas, 4 apples, 2 pears and sometimes a bowl of pineapple and mango and I'm set. It varies by what's in stock and in season. My purse has basically turned into a portable fruit bowl. I'm really looking forward to hitting up some pick-your-own farms this summer.


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