Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day 75

I came across the above container placed inconspicuously on our bathroom shelf when I was getting ready for bed last night, and it made me burst into laughter. It's tiny, smaller than a quarter. I thought Madeline has been particularly happy because she was finding her new job very fulfilling, but apparently her secret is that she's found inner peace and has bottled it to boot. (Okay, it's actually a sample of hair product from when she'd gotten her hair cut earlier that day, but I prefer my alternative.)

I have recipes to share today. I was very, very happy with the way my cookies came out that I'm going to post the first prototype recipe and another update when I get around to making the date-sweetened alternative. The texture was fantastic, dense and cake-like.

Drama-free cookies*
pulp from 6 carrots and 3 apples**
3 T flax meal
3 T agave
2 T maple syrup
Cinnamon to taste
Combine all ingredients in a bowl. A dough should form that easily holds together (I did this by hand with a spatula, but a food processor would probably be just as effective, albeit more work to clean). Form into balls and slightly flatten. Dehydrate 12 hours. Make 7 small cookies.

*You know. Cause nothing's nuts. :)

**See yesterday's post for how I juiced with a blender. Also, I used granny smith apples with peel, hence the green flecks.
I also made a pudding/custard thing last night. I had soaked some cashews to make a chowder, but as it turned out, I really didn't want chowder for dinner. I wanted a spinach salad with parmesan, instead. I didn't want to let the soaked nuts to sit in the fridge for too long, so dessert it was. (Quick note on the parmesan... we love that stuff. I make huge batches that we keep in the fridge and in lieu of dressings, we frequently opt for giant mixing bowls of dry spinach with a tablespoon or two of parmesan. So good).

Banana custard with mango topping
1/2 c cashews soaked for 2 hours
2 bananas
1 T agave
3 T water
cinnamon to taste (can you tell, I like cinnamon?)
1 large mango

Combine cashews, bananas, agave, water and cinnamon in a food processor or blender until creamy. Portion into two small bowls. Puree mango until creamy and layer on top of the banana custard. Sprinkle with cinnamon as desired. Chill and serve. Or don't chill. It's still good.


Donia said...

These recipes sound fantastic. I am going to try the drama-free cookies tonight!

Maybe we are rabbits said...

Hi Donia,

I hope you like them! I was really happy with how they came out, and I hope you enjoy them, as well.

Altogether, I think I has about a cup of pulp for context. My carrots were pretty small. :)
