Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 89

Cauliflower popcorn and kale chips

Still slogging through the end of term.

Dinner last night was a lot of fun. We had raw "junk food." I'm going to post the recipes quick and then get back to the lab report I'm working on.

Cauliflower Popcorn
My own interpretation extrapolated from various sources around the web

1 large head of cauliflower
1 c cashews, soaked 2 hours
Juice from 1/2 lemon
2 T nutritional yeast
water to blend
salt to taste

Break cauliflower into bite sized pieces. Put in big bowl and set aside. Blend remaining ingredients. Pour the sauce over the cauliflower (should be fairly thick) and toss to coat. Dehydrate 24 hours.

The kale chips came from We Like it Raw. I'm not even going to attempt to emulate the great tutorial they have, but I want to post the ingredients so I can readily find them next time I want to make them (and I do... as soon as I get more kale).

Kale Chips
2 bunches kale
1/4 c olive oil
1 tsp salt
juice from 1/2 lemon
1 T agave

Dehydrate 6-8 hours.

Oh, also: when I was retrieving an errant cauliflower floret that fell on the floor, I found Ethel sitting like this:

I didn't catch her mid-stretch, she was actually just chilling like that. Weirdo cat.

Bonus points if you spot the cauliflower!



Jeremy Logsdon said...

Cats are weird. Tina just moved her chaise lounge into my office, and it was a large, rounded back, and Roosevelt will sit on it with all four legs curved around the sides. I'll have to post a photo. It's fricking hilarious.

So how was the cauliflower popcorn? I'll be honest; I'm a little skeptical...

Maybe we are rabbits said...

Hey Jeremy!

The popcorn was actually really good! It wasn't like real popcorn, of course, but for what it was, Mad and I enjoyed it a lot. This is actually the second time I've tried to make it. The first time, the sauce was all wrong and I didn't let it dehydrate long enough. Definitely needs the full 24 hours.


cherrybombpie said...

hey ! cauliflower popcorn sounds great, think I am going to bookmark this recipe. thanks for sharing!

Maybe we are rabbits said...

Hi Cherrybombpie!

I hope you love it as much as I do! I actually have two heads of cauliflower in the fridge now waiting to be turned into popcorn. :)
