Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day 80

Banana bread

I don't like to take medication frivolously, but this sinus thing had gotten to a point where it was almost intolerable. A friend suggested to me that I might be suffering from allergies, since hers had been acting up, but I'd never had them in the past, so I dismissed that.

After work on Saturday, I went to Whole Foods to get something holistic that would hopefully help. It seemed that everything I picked up that was clearly meant for sinus pain, though, was also blatantly not vegan with gelatin or lactose. I must have stood there for a while looking very confused because before I knew it, I had a sales girl on either side of me, one of whom was trying to convince me that it was only a little lactose and the other pushing herbs at me that I hadn't researched and had no clue if they would help. And everything was at least $20. I was overwhelmed and I left without buying anything.

On the way home, though, the pain was particularly bad, and I turned into CVS. I found the box of Tylenol labeled "Sinus pain and congestion" and I bought it without hesitating. It's not vegan. It's not natural. But it said that it would work for my symptoms, and it has. Plus it was like $5.

Before I went to bed that night, I went to take another dose and found two boxes in the medicine cabinet where I had previously placed the one. I thought maybe Madeline had picked up some, too, maybe because she was tired of hearing me gripe, so I called to her in the living room:

"Mad! Did you get more sinus meds?"

"No, I saw that you had bought some, and I remembered that you had some from last year when you went through the same thing."

Oh. So maybe it is allergies. At least I can be better prepared next time I need medication and hopefully stock up on something natural in advance.

I made banana bread yesterday that we ate last night. It was my favorite kind of recipe: quick and simple where everything is just thrown together and the hardest part is having to wait until it's dehydrated enough to eat it. I used this recipe ( 1 cup flax meal, 1 cup ground sesame, 5 bananas, 2 T agave, 2 tsp vanilla, cinnamon to taste, saved in the event that the link ceased to work) from the Raw Freedom Community. I added a handful of chopped walnuts, because banana nut bread is so much better. I spread it about 1/4 inch thick on parchment paper and dehydrated for 12 hours, flipping after about 6 and removing the paper.

It was very good when it came out, warm and soft in the middle. It was slightly flaxy, but tasted so similar to the baked breads I remember that I felt a bit bereft without a slather of Earth Balance margarine. Oh well. It was good, but I think I'm over bananas for the time being.




Don't you just hate when people don't understand your dietary needs?!?!? As you probably know, we eat GFCF and I can't tell you how many times I have also listened to people tell me, "Well, it's only a minute amount of dairy." GAAAHHHH!

The banana bread sounds awesome but I must throw this out there, just in case it may help and help you get off the Tylenol. I, too, love bananas but when I eat too many of them my sinuses go into overload and can't handle it. Probably not the cause of your problems but worth considering....I know you've been eating a lot of bananas lately.

Maybe we are rabbits said...

Hey Autismom,

That's crazy! I never knew there could be a connection with sinus issues and bananas, but i googled it, and according to some people, it's a mucus forming food. I don't know if that's what's affecting me, but it probably isn't helping. Good thing I've had my fill of them!


Donia said...

We are all on the same wavelength! i was actually planning on writing you yesterday to mention that according to ayurveda, bananas are not so good when you have sinus issues. Glad to hear you are starting to feel better. i find making herbal decisions at the health food store when i am not feeling well totally throws me for a loop!

Maybe we are rabbits said...

Hey Donia,

That's good to know. I had no idea that it was sort of common knowledge. I'm definitely going to arm myself with some research before braving the supplement aisle again.
