I have been so incredibly hungry lately. Really, really famished. For the past two days, I have been this bottomless pit, eating everything in the house (which is luckily all raw). I made an indulgent, nut heavy apple crumble tonight. Madeline and I have already devoured half of it, which satiated me for a while, but I'm kind of hungry again. And I want something salty. That combined with the InstaThreePounds!TM and the cup overfloweth that's been going on lately can only mean one thing: my body is preparing to gestate. Not that that's a possibility, but it's a good a reason as any to eat dessert.
The reason I bring this up is because I've noticed something. My skin is looking incredible. It's smooth and clear, and I'm not broken out at all, which is amazing. I know it sounds like I'm shamelessly boasting, but acne has been something I've dealt with for more than half my life now. I've pretty much got it under control with a regimented washing routine that's incredibly unnatural, but during ovulation, all bets are usually off. My skin very easily marks, too, so evidence of break outs tend to hang around long after the damage is done.
But this month, nothing. See?

p.s. Oh, boy. I have a bellyache. Waaaay to much apple crumple.
You are so cute! Congrats on the clear skin!
:) Thank you!
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