Friday, May 29, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Day 115: pt 2

Also, this morning while I was hiking, a frog and a butterfly crossed my path. I almost wish I'd brought my camera with me, cause the frog was just chilling while we studied each other for a while, but it's nice to be present in the moment without thinking of the next. I'm trying to do that more.
I just got back from a walk around my neighborhood, and I feel better. Moving always helps.
Day 115
It's been a rough day. With Memorial Day, I had one too many days off in a row. Madeline, of course, still works. I went for a long hike this morning, but I've felt aimless and gloomy all day. The air smells like barbecue, and this is alternately revolting and mouthwatering. I'm not hungry, but neither am I satiated. I feel like I'm not making progress, and instead of persevering, this makes me want to give up.
I know that I'm pmsing. It feels like such a cop-out, but it's like I'm a different person for almost two weeks every month. I lose all my inertia and become so pessimistic about everything. I just looked back in the archives to see the last time I mentioned pms, and it was on April 22nd. So right on time, I suppose. I never did get around to ordering evening primrose oil supplements, but I suppose I should.
I read somewhere that the music your favorite music as a teenager will be your favorite style of music for the rest of your life. I strongly suspect this to be true, since no matter which of my favorite songs or artists I put into Pandora, I seem to come up with the same station. For me, Ani Difranco got me through many of those angsty years, and even now, I always go to her to first. She's so prolific that there's always something that fits my mood. It's like comfort music
These two have been on repeat today:
Present/Infant (full lyrics):
to rob you of your grace
love is all over the place
there's nothing wrong with your face
love is all over the place
there's nothing wrong with your face
Evolve (full lyrics):
with nature and my part in it
which i believe just signifies
i'm finally waking up
So what's your comfort music?
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Day 114
Since fruit has become our mainstay around here, I've been wanted to try different varieties beyond the typical apple, orange, banana, grape, peach, strawberry rut we've been stuck in. My local produce market has great prices, but not the best selection. Consequently, I've been hitting up the produce places across the city with mixed success. It's like a treasure hunt. Sometimes I find new and exciting things, other times it's a wash. I have discovered that I do not like papaya. At all.

Today, my plan was to go on a hike and then head over the the art museum. I just recently found out that I get in free with my student ID, and I've been wanted to take advantage of that. Unfortunately when I got to the museum, the line was crazy long, easily 50 people deep before it even went through the front doors. I had a feeling it was either going to be packed or empty considering it's Memorial Day weekend, and clearly it was packed. I'm really not a fan of being in crowded places, so I sat on the steps to people watch and read a book for a while. It was a great vantage point to seeing the whole city in front of me, so I pulled out my camera and accidentally caught the coolest picture:

Right in the middle of the frame is a bird that flew by just as I was taking the shot. Just incredible.

I also picked up a case of yellow mangoes while I was there. They were a little more pricey than I really wanted to spend, but they were ripe and ready to be eaten and looked so good. I had three as soon as I got home.
I do really well throughout the day, but for some reason, at night when I'm falling asleep, I've been getting really strong and vivid cravings for weird cooked foods. Last night it was mayonnaise on a loaf of french bread. I haven't eaten mayo in about four years now, since we went vegan, and I was never a huge fan. It was always just on condiment on my sandwiches. I'm not really sure what it means.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Day 113

It was pointed out to me that I've been talking about 80/10/10 a lot lately, but never actually explained what it is. I know that not everyone around here is raw, so here's a brief rundown.
80/10/10, or 811, is a method of raw veganism in which 80% of your calories come from carbs, 10% from protein and 10% from fat. It's basically eating a low fat raw vegan diet, as opposed to high fat and nut heavy. It's based on this book by Dr Doug Graham. He advocates that most of your diet should consist of fruit, that it's our natural, biological diet, and we should eat it in simple combinations of 2-3 items at most at a time. Mono-meals, an abundance of one fruit, is best and least taxing for the digestive system.
811 is not a low calorie diet and highly encourages exercise. To get the necessary nutrients, it's important to eat around 2000 calories a day and then exercise to burn off about 500 calories. This is a lot of fruit, and I'm actually having trouble eating as much as I should. I just get distracted and forget to eat.
To give you an idea of how my days have been going, this is what I ate yesterday:
7 bananas
3 oranges
1 pear
1.5 cups cherry tomatoes
3 cups spinach
2 cups mango
1 cup papaya
1 oz cashews
It wasn't a great day for me. I only ate 1497 cals, which is way too low. My ratios were decent, though: 84/6/11. I'm using the CRON-o-meter to help track my intake, which is really helpful. Today has been better so far:
5 cups watermelon
3 pints of strawberries
4 bananas
4 dates
3 pears
1 papaya
I'm going to eat a two ears of corn, which will bring me to 2096 and 89/5/6. Corn is crazy high in calories. No wonder why they give it to animals instead of grass to fatten them up. My day was much better on the cals, but I need to work on getting my protein up a bit higher.
I've been hanging out a lot lately at 30 Bananas a Day, which is a great place to be if you have questions or need support in 811. Eating this way makes a lot more sense to me than using cups of nuts in each meal. I feel good so far.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Day 112

My dad's a runner, and it's something I've always really admired about him. I remember being in 6th grade and getting on the bus at an ungodly hour on a cold winter morning. We were all bundled in parkas with hats and mittens. As the bus rolled down my street, we passed my dad who was heading home from his morning run. In shorts. One of the cool boys on the bus exclaimed, "That's so hardcore! That guy's running in shorts!" And I was so proud to say that was my dad. He's run multiple marathons. He ran the Marine Corp marathon in 1994,the same year as Oprah, and passed her on the course. He doesn't run as much lately, but he's still heavily involved with his local runner's club, helping to organize races.
It's not that I haven't had the opportunity or tried before, but I've never gone about it the right way. I always push myself to go too far too fast in the beginning. So that's my motivation to starting Couch to 5k. It's meant to ease a beginner into running through interval training By the middle of the summer, I should be running a little over three miles regularly. That's the plan, anyway.
Today was day one, and it went well. My running was a respectable pace, and I tried to pay close attention to my form, so I don't set myself up for bad habits later on. I didn't get a stitch in my side and I didn't feel like my lungs were going to burst, all of the hallmarks of my previous running experiences. None of the neighbors pounded on the door because of how loud the treadmill is, which I was kind of afraid of. We talked to them, but you never know. Oh, also, instead of timing myself or watching the distance, I'm using this podcast, which is working out really well.
So here's to being more like my dad! I never, ever thought I would say it, but somehow I am becoming more and more like him every day. I kind of accidentally became an engineer, and now the whole running thing. I suppose there are worse things. I'll just skip the mustache, thanks.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Day 111

Today, it looks like this:

As an aside, why are cats never attracted to the thing specifically purchased for them, but run right to the new, shiny thing you'd rather not have them sitting on?
So our treadmill is here! We paid extra to have it delivered and set up, which was totally worth it. First of all, we're on the fourth floor and this thing weighs more than both Mad and I combined. Also, assembling Ikea furniture typically results in us not on speaking terms for a good couple hours. I guarantee if we tried to put this thing together, this would be an entirely different post.
Now we have no excuses left for not exercising and one very big and expensive reason why we should. Also, when you think about it, in the long term, we'll be saving money by not buying exercise apparel. I'm totally running in a sports bra and sneakers. Maybe undies. We'll see. I'm heading out shortly to get fitted for some new running shoes, and tomorrow starts day one of couch to 5k. I'm still going to the park to hike every other morning. Outside is good.
I haven't been posting a lot about food lately, cause honestly, it's boring. Madeline and I are doing 80/10/10, which is really amazing so far. It really makes sense with what I've thought all along: nuts are way too high in fat and calories, and getting into shape is not going to happen on a high fat diet. Even if it is raw. So mostly we eat fruit. Today so far, I've had 1/2 lb of strawberries and 9 peaches. I'm going to grab a bag of grapes to take with me on my way out. I'll make big salads for us tonight for dinner. Nothing really blog worthy.
I was just emailed some more pics from graduation, so here's one more that I love of Madeline, myself and my best friend, J:

Monday, May 18, 2009
Day 108
It's official! I am officially a college graduate. It's really amazing. I was looking forward to finishing, but the sense of accomplishment that I felt walking across the stage was incredible. I have worked so hard for this. High school was a very difficult time for me, and I barely graduated. For a few years, I worked unfulfilling jobs and really had no purpose. When I made up my mind to go to college, though, it was for me, and I was determined to do my best. I said no to a lot of parties, I forewent nights out to study, and there is a chair in the library that perfectly conforms to my butt from the hours I've spent sitting in it.
Forgive me, then, if I take the moment to revel in my accomplishments. On Friday, there was an award ceremony where I received an award and a complimentary membership to a professional organization in my field. On Sunday, I graduated summa cum laude with a perfect 4.0 cumulative GPA. I was also given an award for the highest scholastic achievement in my school (there are five schools that comprise my university). I was also awarded a research assistantship position and in exchange for 20 hours of research a week, I get complete tuition remission and a stipend.

At the award ceremony with my parents
And I am so excited for grad school. I think before it felt like just a continuation of school, but graduation really helped to frame my undergrad. I'm excited to start with a fresh slate and I'm excited to get into new research and I'm really motivated to work.
Before that, though, I have the whole lovely summer ahead of me. I'll still be working, but my schedule is flexible and I'll have three whole days off, two of which coincide with Madeline's days off. I'll be running, going to park, hiking, painting the apartment, cleaning out all the clutter we've accumulated, and just basically taking time to relax.
I'll be honest, this has not been the raw-est weekend... there may have been some tequila along the way. But I've been reading 80/10/10 and mono-mealing bananas today, and I feel really good about going further with my diet. I'm feeling the raw love again.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Day 105
It's not the best picture, but it definitely made me smile. Yesterday, I walked into the living room and found Madeline and all four of the cats asleep. The first thing I did was get the camera to take a picture. The second thing was to settle onto the end of the couch with a book.
Also. I get it. I've been wondering why I haven't been feeling the raw love lately and why I'm been so emotional. I've been frustrated and upset about things I thought I had moved way beyond, and I've been sabotaging my own efforts at getting healthier. It hit me like a ton of bricks.
As my diet improves and I eat more light and simple meals, I'm also getting rid of one of my main coping mechanisms for suppressing my emotions. I've had so much clarity and insight into myself these past few weeks, but I haven't made the connection to what I've been eating. But come on, that's what emotional eating is, filling an emotional void so we don't have to think about what's really bothering us.
I can see this now. So I'm going to try to work through what I've been going through, try to process it instead of putting it away. This summer is all about me, loving me, taking care of me. It's not selfish, I have to keep telling myself that. I need to take care of myself, and I will be better for it.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Day 103

It's a bad habit of mine to focus my anger and frustration on small things and realize much later that it's a bigger issue that's bothering me. I've been trying to be more aware and in tune with what I'm really feeling. If I make myself go outside and walk, sometimes the pieces sort themselves out on their own. As far as I can tell, there are two issues that are bothering me. In the immediate future, my parents are visiting twice this weekend. I love them, but our relationship is strained at best. And that relates to the bigger picture.
The short version is that as I get older, I need my parents less and less. Though I work, they've help to support me through college. I've secured funding for grad school that will largely take care of living expenses, but I may still need their help to some extent. When I start working, though, I won't. My father tries to keep an open mind, but my mother is vehemently against gay marriage and against gay couples raising children, both of which I intend to do within the next decade. This has been underscored by the fact that my cousin got engaged this past week. I am very happy for her, I think that her and her fiance make a great couple, but in contrast I know that the church wedding I dreamed of as a kid is not a reality for me. I've fought fiercely for independence, but the thought of estrangement makes me sad. Completing undergrad is a huge milestone, but it also puts me closer to this. I didn't choose to be gay. It's been almost nine years since I came out, though, and it's unlikely that my mother will change. The way I deal with it is what has to change.
This has nothing to do with being raw, but I think I'm hoping that acknowledging it and putting it out there will keep me from repressing how I feel and coping with emotional eating. Bleh.
Also, I miss Madeline. She's been working such long hours lately. She leaves the house at 6am, before I get up (although I get a kiss when she's on her way out the door), she gets home after nine at night, has enough time to eat dinner and spend time with me briefly before she crashes before 11. Ostensibly she has two days off, but she goes in then, too, if there are things that need to get done. I don't in any way resent the time she spends at work. It's essential to her career, and she needs to establish herself. It's just the way it's going to be for now. I'm just used to spending more time with her, and I feel a little lost at home in the evenings by myself.
Okay. All the negativity goes in this one post. Now we can move on.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Day 102
Works Cited
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Day 100: pt 2
I was thinking that my entry this morning sounded slightly dismal for a 100 day retrospective. So to supplement that, here's a list of the things I am loving about being raw:
1. Increased energy: I am definitely feeling better, lighter, less weighed down. When I eat all fruits and veggies, I don't feel tired or sluggish after eating.
2. Clear skin: That's one of my favorite changes so far. I rarely break out, and I've been leaving the house without makeup fairly frequently. You have no idea what an accomplishment that is for me. When I was 13, my best friend at the time joked that when I got married, I'd sneak out of bed after my husband went to sleep to wash my face and then get up before him to apply makeup and get back into bed. My, how things have changed.
3. Quick meals: It's true that making raw food can take days. But a salad can be thrown together in minutes and fruit can be eaten as is, and that's what I'm increasingly craving.
4. Getting into shape: I may not yet have a bikini body, but I do definitely have a tee shirt body again. In the last few months before going vegan, I was increasingly reluctant to wear more form-fitting clothes and opted for blousier tops. I'm sure obscuring my figure wasn't helping me to look thinner, but I wanted to hide the weight I was gaining. Although I haven't lost much weight, my stomach is flatter and I'm liking the way I look in clothes again.
5. Wanting to be more active: Changing my diet has encouraged me to start working out again, and that's where the real physical changes are going to come from.
6. Empowerment: I don't really know how to put this one into words, but being more decisive with my food choices has helped me to be more decisive with my words and actions. I feel more grounded and centered, and much more deliberate.
7: Connecting to nature: Wanting to get into shape has gotten me outdoors, and it feels so good to hike in the park and be surrounded by dirt and trees instead of cement and cars. I'm enjoying the sun in small, protected doses, and haven't gotten a sunburn yet this season.
8: Solidarity with Madeline: Like going vegan, eating raw is something that Mad and I have done together. We support each other and we hold each other accountable, and I couldn't imagine doing it without her.
9: Cheap groceries: We're really lucky to have a really inexpensive produce place nearby, and as we've cut way down on the nuts, our grocery bills are now lower than when we eating cooked food. We spend $30-$40 per week for the two of us, and we're eating really well.
10: Okay, I can't think of a 10, but you ending a list at 9 is just wrong. So, uh... oh, it's easier to wash dishes, cause most things we just rinse off, and there are no pots and pans to scrub. There you go, 10.
Day 100
You know, I really thought that this raw thing was going to be a piece of (figurative) cake. Eat fruits and veggies, feel great, drop those 10 lbs, easy peasy. After more than three months, though, I'm not where I want to be. After graduation, though, I am recommitting myself to starting over, to eating better and exercising more. To taking care of myself. That's always the first thing I let slide when I get stressed out, and I can only imagine that grad school is not going to get any easier. I stopped weighing myself a couple weeks back, because I wasn't making any progress and it was occupying too much of my mind.
I think that the most difficult thing has been trying to break the habit of using food as emotional comfort. I suppose this is hardly a revelation, nor is it uncommon by any means, but I have the uncanny ability to make even raw food unhealthy (did you know that dates stuffed with cacao nibs taste like an inside out Raisinet? And whereas Madeline will eat half of one and enjoy it, I will eat four and feel guilty).
There has been a really interesting shift going on in both our diets, though. We're eating far fewer nuts, much less oil and way more fruit. The few nut heavy recipes I've made over the past few weeks, even the things we used to heartily enjoy, like walnut pate, leave us feeling sluggish and heavy. I haven't posted any recipes recently because in addition to being too busy to prepare anything interesting, we're eating primarily whole fruits and vegetable, nothing revolutionary.
So here's the plan: I bought The 80/10/10 Diet, which I am going to read. I've had it for a few weeks, but I think I've been scared to find reasons to want to change my diet further. I've also been really annoyed with the junk science in some of the raw books I've read previously, so I hope that this will be different.
We also purchased a treadmill, which was an incredibly huge investment. Scarily huge. I've been reading everything I can find about treadmills, and a lot of lower end models are good for walking, but don't have the structural integrity to withstand running, which is what Mad and I both want to do. So we went with a more expensive model that will hopefully last us for a long, long time. Once it arrives, I am going to start working on Couch to 5k, which is something I've wanted to do for a while.
This has been good. And it will get better.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Day 98
I am heavily mired in finals (still), but I can see the end! One week and two days from now, I will have already walked across stage to, well, not get my diploma. They mail that later. But I'm sure it will be significant and symbolic all the same.
Mad and I did venture down to Maryland Sheep and Wool last Sunday, which was fantastic, particularly if you have an affinity for the smell of wet sheep. It rained all day, as it has the entire week. We combated the slightly dismal prospect of traipsing in the mud with wet toes by tailgating in my car prior, hence the MySpace-esque self portraits. I do so wonder sometimes if perhaps I have been too academically minded when one of the highlights of my college years include pre-gaming before a yarn festival, but there you go. I had a lot of fun, and I scored some gorgeous yarn.
The best part of the day was getting to meet Jacey from Insubordiknit. I love her gorgeous yarn and her blog and her podcast, and she is just as sweet and funny in person as she is online, even after I
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Day 92

One thing that Mad and I have both noticed-reproductive organ alert- is that eating raw is kind of screwing with our periods. For years, Mad was on a consistent 27 day cycles, but she's been rather irregular these past three months. I have always been very irregular, but the time between ovulation and actually getting my period has noticeably lengthened and the physical symptoms, primarily bloating and tenderness, have become acute. I'm really not enjoying this development. I've been reading very good things about evening primrose oil, though, and I'm going to try taking supplements next month to see if that helps.
Tomorrow, Mad has a rare day off, and we're traveling to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival, which I am incredibly excited about. I have a huge batch of kale chips dehydrating and I made a giant fruit salad, so hopefully we'll have enough provisions to sustain us through the day. I highly doubt we'll find any raw vegan food among the fried oreos and lamb kebabs at the fairgrounds.