Monday, May 25, 2009

Day 115: pt 2

Fred blissed out on catnip

Happy picture to balance out the glum. The cats always make me smile.

Also, this morning while I was hiking, a frog and a butterfly crossed my path. I almost wish I'd brought my camera with me, cause the frog was just chilling while we studied each other for a while, but it's nice to be present in the moment without thinking of the next. I'm trying to do that more.

I just got back from a walk around my neighborhood, and I feel better. Moving always helps.


1 comment:

Alicia said...

Love the kitty photos! My cats (and we have quite a bit more than you...we're suckers for rescues!), are truly the best way to bring a smile to my face as well. Cats on couches, cats on exercise equipment...looks like my house!