Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day 19

Did I say that this had gotten easy? Cause that's funny.

Feeling confidant in the kitchen, I decided to create a healthier pate from cauliflower and mushrooms, which was wholly unsatisfying. Between the disaster of a dinner, homework and care for our special needs animals, I fell asleep without getting a lunch together and managed to oversleep in the morning. The water for my shower never got hot, so I washed my bangs in the sink and called it done and then tried to throw together a salad dressing, since we were low. I tried "golden elixir" from Raw Food Detox Diet, which seemed easy enough, but the 2 cups of fresh lemon juice was deceiving. I squeezed 9 lemons for a total of 1.5c, which took forever. The kitchen is still a disaster.

Needless to say, I was a few minutes late to class this morning. Would have been worse, but Madeline dropped me off so I didn't have to park and trek the quarter mile to the building. And so far, I've eaten 2 bananas, 2 oranges, all my chopped veggies and olives, and I'm still really hungry. I have 2 apples, a handful of pecans and an avocado to get me through the next 7 hours before I go home.

Luckily, we have a safety valve built into our plan. Once a month, we're going to treat ourselves to a cooked meal. Always vegan, but something we've been wanting all month. I think that having that safety net will keep us from giving up and abandoning raw food altogether. Tomorrow's a special occasion: Madeline is taking the oath for her American citizenship (she's Canadian). So it's a perfect excuse to indulge. After a morning like this, I really can't wait.

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