Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day Four: part 2

So let's face it, this is my blog, really, not Madeline's. I think I was hoping for more of a joint effort when we started, but it's something that I'm much more motivated to keep track of at this time. Maybe at some point there will be a guest appearance. ;)

Buffalo 2004
This is probably not as relevant as it could be to the intent at hand, but this is Madeline (on the left) and me a month after we started dating in 2004. We were omnivores at the time, and this was taken with a disposable camera.

Iowa 07
Three years later in the summer of 2007. We had become vegans, but were living in different states at the time.

Iowa Summer 07
Another from the same time period. That was a really great summer.

And this is much more recent, from New Year's Eve of this year. At this point, we had been living together for about a year and a half. For the record, Madeline does not like this picture of us, but I think it's cute and one of the few recent ones we have. We're not really picture takers.

And there you have it.


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